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Farm to Table

We are a Panamanian company dedicated to import and export of tropical fruits and vegetables with excellent flavor and vitamins.

Our products are cultivated, selected, prepared, packed and transported with love, complying with high quality standards.

In TOP FOOD we strive to provide the best service in our products, guaranteeing freshness from farm to table.

Panama City, Panama  |   +507 6550 6561  |


MD-2 or Golden Extra Sweet pineapple recognized for its great aroma, exquisite flavor, high vitamin C contents, and low acidity. 

Also contains B vitamins, is rich in sugars and fiber.

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Melon of yellow, Cantaloupe and Galiaen variety, characterized by its sweet taste, rich in water, potassium, folic acid and antioxidant vitamins, makes the melon a light and very healthy food.

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Sweet papaya of good size, delicious flavor and texture. High content of magnesium, vitamin C, B and A. 

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Avocado Butter, with its creamy texture and mild flavor, is a culinary delight. It is a source of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and E, potassium, magnesium and monounsaturated fat.

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High quality ginger with great flavor for gourmet dishes and good size, contains medicinal properties and is well known for its spiciness and smell.

Pumpkin with hard skin and soft pulp, excellent flavor and texture. Arjuna F1 and Butternut varieties. Source of manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and A.

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Extra soft yucca of the Brazileña and Valencia varieties. Very good source of B vitamins and vitamin C, rich in magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

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